Daru Therapy Centre | Ancaster | Lorraine Hanley
Daru Therapy Centre | Ancaster, ON #ancaster #online #psychotherapy #ON #Ontario
Lorraine Hanley. Registered Psychotherapist Specializing in EMDR and Nature Therapy at Daru Therapy Centre. Ancaster ON

Meet Lorraine Hanley:

Registered Psychotherapist Specializing in EMDR and Nature Therapy

Lorraine Hanley is a Registered Psychotherapist at Daru Therapy Centre, renowned for her specialized work in EMDR and Nature Therapy.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR therapy, a unique combination of talk therapy and bilateral stimulation, helps individuals process and overcome traumatic memories, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. This technique "unlocks" traumatic memories, enabling healthier processing and integration into one's life narrative, leading to symptom reduction and overall well-being improvement.

Nature Therapy

Lorraine also offers nature therapy, a holistic mental health treatment approach that uses the tranquil backdrop of the outdoors. The calmness and grounding of the natural environment aids clients' openness to the therapeutic process, helping them work through emotional and mental health issues more comfortably.


Lorraine’s expertise includes dealing with anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, pain management, and mood disorders. Using EMDR and nature therapy techniques, she offers a comprehensive and specialized approach to mental health support.

Embark on Your Wellness Journey with Lorraine

Struggling with trauma, anxiety, or mood disorders? Lorraine Hanley, a specialist in EMDR and Nature Therapy, is here to help. Schedule your appointment at Daru Therapy Centre in Ancaster, Ontario, and take the first step in your journey towards wellness.

Individual Therapy | $150 per session (plus HST)

50 Minute Sessions

Individual sessions can be held in-person, online or by phone

Clients can be scheduled on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.